Explore The Best Investment Options In India
When it comes to finding affordable health insurance plans, it can be a challenging task. However, it is one aspect of your life that you cannot ignore or put off. It would determine the level of care that you would receive if your health takes a wrong turn. In addition, not choosing a health insurance plan or even choosing the wrong plan can have a major impact on your life. You must know that majority of bankruptcies are a result of heavy medical bills and illnesses.
A term life insurance is another important insurance policy that you cannot ignore from the perspective of long-term investment. If you follow the given tips, it would be possible to find a cheap term life insurance. If you live a healthy lifestyle, youwould be able to reduce the premium of your insurance. This wouldinvolvekeeping your body weight under control and getting a regular checkup and keeping yourself healthy. If you can avoid alcohol and smoking, it would further help in getting a cheap term life insurance. The reason is that the insurance company would then see you as a low-risk consumer.
Another aspect of your overall financial planning is choosing the best investment options. The first option is in the form of equity. Common stocks or shares are the most common types of equity. Regular shareholders would be able to claim the assets and income only after the stockholders are able to get payment.
A mutual fund is a relatively safer investment option where a group of investors pool their capital with ainvestment goal. Mutual funds are one of the best investment options as there is more diversification that ensures your investment is relatively safer. An investment company would manage the mutual fund and invest the pool of money into particular bonds and stocks. Therefore, when you invest in a mutual fund, your investments would be held indirectly. Usually, mutual funds are ideally suited to small investorsbecause of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness.
Bank fixed deposits are also one of the best investment options. Here, you would hold a certificate of deposit that would pay you a fixed interest rate for a specific period of time. It is not possible to withdraw the money held in a fixed deposit before the maturity date. However, with certain penalty charges, it is possible to withdraw it prior to maturity. Typically, 15 days is kept as the minimal tenure of a fixed deposit. Such an investment option gives you higher rate of interest compared to a savings account.
Anothertype of investment with good promise of return is in the form of real estate. In the recent times, infrastructure bonds in india increasingly becoming popular because the cost of real estate keeps growing. When trying to invest in real estate, you would want to get the help of an investment consultant because the right choice of portfolio can make all the difference. These are some of the best investment optionsthat you can consider when creating a financial plan.